Scars have somehow built an aerial platform, high above in the sky. The Sentinels have tasked the Freelancer to steal the balloon-based technology that they use to study it.
Hints and Suggestions
- The Conjunction is a respawn restricted area. If a Freelancer is downed, they need to be revived by allies, otherwise, if they force respawn, they will be thrown out of the conjunction and back into Freeplay.
- This Conjunction has 3 tiers. At the completion of each tier, a Treasure Chest will be unlocked.
- It is best if there are multiple people taking part in this expedition, so that at least one person is protecting the fuel cells inside the circle, keeping the charge from completely dwindling.
- This conjunction takes place on a completely unique map which makes full use of verticality, and several island platforms. There are also open spaces in the map which behave like holes. So, it is possible to fall down from the map into Northern Bastion when going between two platforms or falling down the open spaces. However, in Update 1.7.0, it was made so that players falling would return to the start position of the map instead.
- There are several legendary enemies in this map, so best to keep an eye out for them and use cover, as there is plenty of it.
- There are Scar Explosive Mines scattered all over the fortress. Be wary of them or destroy them before they can hurt you.
- Scar infantry can be easily tackled with any combat equipment. Items that do Blast Damage are more useful when they are in hordes.
- Scar Scouts will try to shoot you down when you carry the object between open spaces and cause you rjavelin to fall. When you see a Scout’s laser sight, evade it, especially when near an open space.
- Scar Destroyers' seeker mines are filled with acid which can reduce resistance of the javelin. They can deploy them infinite times. One mine may be tolerable, but several mines can automatically target a javelin and bring it down. Whenever a Destroyer is seen, defeat it quickly with any equipment.
- Scar Hunters can do a lot of damage They must be a priority when tackling enemies. Once their shields are stripped, freeze them using ice or render them flightless with fire.
- Scar Enforcers have armored health. They don’t do much damage but can be annoying as they like to continuously keep their targets engsged. Using armor buster, acid or fire type damage is the best way to deal with them.
Up, Up, and Away
Steal Escari Tech
Storm Gate Opens In
Storm Gate Closes In
Conjunction Destabilizes In
Collect Fuel Tanks to Charge Cells
Charging Cells
Fuel Tanks Remaining
Collect Rewards
Place Cable in Release Mechanism
Activate Release Mechanism
Collect Rewards
Defeat the Escari
Collect Rewards
Storm Gate Closes In
These are the locations where the Freelancer begins the expedition, has to perform tasks to advance, and conclude the expedition.
Cortex Entry
Up, Up, and Away is categorized under the Conjunction type of expedition. These expeditions do not have any cortex entries associated with them.
Trivia (May Contain Spoilers)
- During Update 1.5.0, the only way to unlock this conjunction was to complete the mission Incursion and complete the following Freeplay World Events each time the conjunction had to be unlocked:
- This is the only conjunction where harvestable crafting resources can spawn. Even Freeplay Treasure Chests can spawn here!
- Scars Scrappers, Destroyers, Scouts, and Hunters are seen wearing skull son their heads.
- The location of the map is in the current reality and on Coda. In fact, if one looks downward through open spaces, they can see some elements of landmarks present in the Tower Road.
- Occixus the Countless’ name is not shown on the nameplate of the Luminary. Instead, it is found when the subtitles are kept on.
- It is unknown what happened to the stolen balloon.
- It is thought that this conjunction was a part of the scrapped Act 2, as Act 2 was supposed to deal with Scars, as seen from the hidden cortex in the original roadmap.
Below is the Script and Walkthrough for Up, Up, and Away:
Steal Escari Tech
There is a closed Storm Gate in the vicinity.
Storm Gate Opens In
The Freelancer may have to wait up to 4 minutes and 30 seconds for the storm gate to open. When the Storm Gate Opens, the Freelancer can enter it to reach to the conjunction.
In Expedition
When the storm gate opens,
- Faye: "Freelancer, look! We can head up into the storm cloud now."
The Freelancer can fly into the storm gate to reach Scar Fortress.
Storm Gate Closes In
The Storm gate will close in 1 minute. There are several Elite Elementals that spawn out of gates for the Freelancer to defeat.
- Faye: "These Scars have an aerial base! It's incredible! We'll have to get rid of it, of course."
The Freelancer is free to take on several Turrets scattered around. Doing so will help them during the 3 tiers.
- Faye: "I've been in contact with the Sentinels. They want us to steal part of the platform so they can study it."
Conjunction Initiated.Tier 1 starts here.
- Faye: "The power cable to the release mechanism is broken. You'll need to use live cells instead."
Conjunction Destabilizes In
The conjunction will destabilize in 10 minutes. So, it must be contained within that time, failing which, the Freelancer will be put back into Northern Bastion and may not end up collecting all the loot rewards.
Collect Fuel Tanks to Charge Cells
The Freelancer must collect several fuel tanks spread across several island platforms around the Scar Fortress to power up the fuel cells for the release mechanism.
The fuel cells are marked with interact icon, and they must be inserted in the drop/insert location.
Charging Cells
The Freelancer must try to keep the cypher projected circle enemy free until the fuel cells are properly charged. If they allow any enemies to come inside it, the progress dwindles. If they go outside the circle, the color switches to orange and the progress rapidly dwindles.
The mechanism will need a lot of power, so each time a tank is inserted, it charged the mechanism a bit and starts to dwindle the progress. This happens until enough fuel tanks are deposited.
- Faye: "Grab fuel and bring it to the generator to charge them."
Fuel Tanks Remaining
There are anywhere between 6 and 12 fuel tanks available to the Freelancer, depending on the number of lancers in the Scar Fortress. If all the fuel tanks are consumed before the release mechanism is fueled, the conjunction will fail. When the fuel cells is fully charged, the tier ends.
Collect Rewards
The Freelancer can collect the unlocked rewards. Tier 1 ends here. Tier 2 starts here.
- Faye: "We've got live fuel cells! Now get them to the release mechanism on the upper platform. Follow the cable to find it."
Place Cable in Release Mechanism
The Freelancer picks up one of the 2 fuel cells marked with interact icon to power up the release mechanism high above.
They need to follow a heavy gauge power cable colored with black, yellow, and red strips all over it to reach the powering mechanism.
Note that the javelin is carrying an object of importance, so it cannot fly. It is possible for the Freelancer to fall down or even lose the fuel cell. The cell can also be lost of the Freelancer doesn’t reach the release mechanism and inserts it in fewer than 90 seconds. In either cases, an additional cell is available.
When the fuel cell is placed in the release mechanism,
- Faye: "We’re all set. Activate the release mechanism and the balloon is ours."
Activate Release Mechanism
The button to activate the release mechanism, now marked with icon, is on the opposite side of the Scar Fortress. The freelancer can easily fly there to activate it.
Collect Rewards
The Freelancer can collect the unlocked rewards. Tier 2 ends here. Tier 3 starts here.
- Occixus the Countless: "Our beautiful! Our beautiful balloon. You will not take it! "
Defeat the Escari
The Freelancer fights and defeats the Legendary Luminary protecting its precious and beautiful balloon. It is quite tough to fight Occixus because there are more legendary enemies around him than any other Escari. When Occixus the Countless is defeated,
- Faye: "And it’s down. Let’s get it back to the fort for study. Well done.."
Collect Rewards
The Freelancer can collect the unlocked rewards. Tier 3 ends here.
Storm Gate Closes In
The Freelancer has 1 minute to explore or collect rewards before the conjunction closes and takes them back to Northern Bastion.
Post Expedition
Collect all the rewards dropped by the enemies and all the rewards from the 3 Treasure Chests. The Freelancer can force respawn out of the conjunction or, be transported into Freeplay when the conjunction closes.
Notes and Remarks
- The 3 tiers are marked by the game.
- Be wary of the long cable that can easily become camouflaged in the surroundings.
- The dialogs mentioned in the script can vary across different play-throughs and different repetition of the game modes. The dialog will be taken from a pool that get rotated in-game. The script mentioned here is from one such instance.
Note: The Expedition Maps feature is still a Work in Progress. Sometimes, a refreshing/reloading of this page may be required to zoom-in or zoom-out completely.
- Guidelines:
- For expeditions related to Up, Up, and Away, click on the appropriate filters:
- Click on for regular World Events locations (randomized).
- Click on for all Conjunction type Legendary World Events.
- Click on for Icetide related World Events locations.
- Click on for Season of Skulls Festival related World Events locations.
- Click on for Echoes of Reality related World Events.
- Click on for World Encounters (randomized).
- Click on Filters to select or unselect various expedition types.
- Click on + to Zoom-in and -to Zoom-out.
- Clicking on the link below the description/image of each pop-up will take you to that page.
- For expeditions related to Up, Up, and Away, click on the appropriate filters: