The Cypher's Kiss is a choice based story written entirely in second person, which currently concludes, your story as The Freelancer. The Cypher's Kiss is also the only plausible romance mechanism available for the Freelancer in Anthem.
- The Freelancer
- Ammien
- Yarrow
- Madam Chronicler
This story is completely interactive and hence is difficult to implement within the wiki. Please visit the official website to make your choices and enjoy the final journey of you, the Freelancer (As of update 1.7.0).
Will you sacrifice all that you have achieved for love? Will you choose to uphold the Freelancers traditions? Will you be able to choose the right path? Or will you become the very antithesis of your existence?
The choice in what way you want to conclude your current story is in your hands!
- This story is entirely choice driven
- It is the only known Bioware story is written in second person
- This is the last story-related update Anthem was given before the final game update of 1.7.0.