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Anthem Wiki
Time Trial Platform Primes an Anrisaur

Anrisaur is primed by the thrusters of a Time Trial Platform!

Status or Status Effect is the effect caused when damage is being done. It can be caused by a creature, a player, an enemy, or even the environment.

There are various status effects which affect enemies or ally javelins depending upon the cause. If the javelin is equipped with the right amount of sigils or inscriptions or components which provide resistance against the particular status, it can recover from the effect quickly.

Just because an enemy is under a status effect, it doesn't mean the enemy is primed. However, primed enemies are always under at least one type of status (the type of the primer). A good example of non-primed status is the application of a status to enemies by the Interceptor's aura.

Status effects are given a number from 0 to 100 to indicate how effective they are. The higher the effect number, the easier it is to apply a status effect on enemies. These status effect values can be stacked through inscriptions and sigils.

If effects stacked are over 60, the chances of coming under status effect becomes high. It is difficult to set boss level enemies under a status because they usually have higher resistances to status effects.At 100 effect, the status effect and priming is guaranteed. A good example of 100 status effect is Storm's ultimate ability Elemental Storm. All primed targets can be detonated for additional combo damage.

Player javelins cannot be primed, but they can be under status effects. Enemy javelins can be primed as well as come under a status effect.

Icon Status Effect Primer Status Applying the Effect Removing the Effect
Weakened Status

(Enemies are Debuffed and receive 33% additional damage)

Acid Prime
  • Acid Primers
  • Acid attacks by enemies
  • Acid Pools (Environment)
  • Acid Mist (Environment)
  • Acid Canisters
  • Wait for the effect to go away
Electrified Status

(Enemies send lightning arcs and zap each other)

Lightning Prime
  • Lightning Primers
  • Lightning attacks by enemies
  • Lightning strikes (Environment)
  • Electrified Ground and Liquids
  • Night Vine
  • Wait for the effect to go away
Burning Status

(Enemies burn and receive fire damage over time)

Fire Prime
  • Fire Primers
  • Fire attacks by enemies
  • Lava (Environment)
  • Burning Fire (Environment)
  • Fire from thrusters (Environment)
  • Fire Canisters
  • Get bombarded by ice attacks from allies
  • Get into water (effect wears off slowly by this method)
Frozen Status

(Enemies remain frozen and immobile)

Ice Prime
  • Ice Primers
  • Ice attacks by enemies
  • Destroying Shaper Crystals during Freeplay (Environment)
  • Touching the rotating spikes above Shaper Ice Globes (Environment)
  • Ice Canisters
  • Get bombarded by fire attacks from allies
  • Jump rapidly (effect wears off slowly by this method)
Webbed Status

(Enemies are fixed to the ground inside webs)

Not Applicable
  • Jump rapidly
Overheat Status

(Applied to javelins only when their boosters overheat)

Not Applicable
  • Flying for extended duration
  • Getting shot at Javelin boosters
  • Heat from environments such as lave
  • Electrical Shaper Hazards or Shaper nodes
  • Fly under water or through waterfalls
  • Wait for boosters to cool naturally
Cooled Statusd

(Applied to javelins only when their boosters are cooled)

Not Applicable
  • Cool overheat javelin boosters
Not Applicable