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Skorpion Spawn

A Nest of Skorpions

Skorpions insectoid fauna of Coda. It is unknown whether they are found outside Bastion and Mirrus because they were created in a cataclysm brought forth by an unstable relic that was being studied by Arcanists of Anshar.

Skorpions are carnivorous pests that use their inherent organic acid to damage their prey and feed on them. Their acid is so corrosive that it can melt through toughest of armor. Their acid is also known to have a very unpleasant smell.


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Check Cortex Entry: Skorpion (2) for More Information

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"I refuse to believe those vile things were conceived and shaped here. My brain conjures images of some blasted nightmare where blackened plains are home to endless hordes. A chitinous sea spreads in a poisonous wave across a dead world. The sky is dark and cracks with endless lightning and rainless storms. They call this damned place home, and pity the lost traveler that stumbles upon it."

—From "I Beckoned the Stranger" by Mentor Kurcer Attjax

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For a Collection of similar Cortex Entries, See: Skorpion (Loading Screen)


These skorpions also come in Elite and Legendary types apart from their standard selves.

Digester Worker Soldier
Digester 1
Worker 1
Soldier 1

The Swarm Tyrant[]

The Swarm Tyrant is the mother of skorpions, literally. All skorpions are the hatchlings of Swarm Tyrants. Swarm tyrants like to lay eggs in dark spaces. The skorpions are so sensitive to their changes in their surroundings that they have adapted themselves to hatch only when they sense food.

Mistborn Skorpions[]

Mistborn Skorpion are translucent skorpions that emerge only during the time of Season of Skulls (Festival).


Skorpions can become Chimeras during intense cataclysmic and Shaper activities. Currently, only Ash Skorpion Chimeras are found when Relics go haywire.


The Dominion have managed to weaponize several creatures. Skorpions are among them. Currently, they have created the Ice Stalker from Digesters.


  • There is an unseen creature called skorpedon, which sounds similar to skorpion, but is different.
  • Counting the weaponized and Chimeric versions of Skorpions, there are enough varieties among these creatures to be their own faction.
  • There is a Speed Disk Tournament team called the Skorpion Acid. Speed Disk is a type of Sport in Bastion.

See Also[]

