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...At a distance, the creature appeared human, but its mouth and nose did not open, and the eyes were soulless...
Cortex Entry: Scar Intel Archive (1)
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Scar Scouts are the sniper unit of Scars. They cannot fly, but are capable of jumping to higher ground to reach their targets.

Etymology and Anatomy

Scouts get their names from Scout (Someone sent out ahead of a main force so as to gather information on the enemy).

Scar Scouts are blue in color. Scar Scrappers are flightless javelins piloted by a Scout-mass scar. They have an odd appendage stuck to their back giving their “thorax” a unique look. Two spikes protrude from them on the top and four glowing ones at the bottom. Spikes also protrude from their right shoulder guard.

Scar Scouts almost have a gunslinger look to them with additional spiky appendages appearing on them like long coats.

They wear helmets that appear to have compound eyes with 6 units on each eye. Their chest piece resembles that of a Ranger MK2’s torso, giving the impression that the dead human lancers’ javelin was repurposed. Their legs resemble those of javelins, making them look less human than Scar Scrapper or Scar Destroyer units.

During the Season of Skulls, Scar Scouts are seen wearing skull shaped masks with burning flames.

Narrative Involvement

Scar scouts are quite common in all scar related skirmishes. They appear during the beginning or middle of the battle and take their position, trying to be the alpha striker against their foes.

Only a handful of Scouts can be seen during scar related battles, but they will almost always be perching on high cliffs, platforms, or towers.

Encounter Locations

Scar Scouts can be encountered in several locations in Northern Bastion:

Behavior and Abilities

Scar Scout 3

A Scar Scout’s Laser Sights

car Scouts are notorious for their lethal damage sniper shots. They control the battlefield by threatening the whole open space with the sniper shots. They have the following abilities:

  • Long-range Sniper Rifle: Scar Scouts are excellent snipers and their weapon has a really long range that can strike their foes from quite a distance!
  • Weapon Strike: Scar Scouts can strike their foes with their sniper rifle if they get too close.

Hidden Attributes

Scar Scouts have the following hidden attributes:

  • Laser Sight: Scar Scouts’ rifle has a laser pointer that targets the foe.
  • Alpha Strike: Scar Scouts will target one single foe throughout the battle until that foe is defeated. They only switch if the target is out of their line of sight.
  • Boosted Jump: Scar Scouts can reach higher surfaces using the hidden boosters attached to their back.


Scar Scouts can do one of highest amount of damage in the whole game, and even possess the ability to one shot knock out their foes.

  • Special Weakness to Shields: Shield Breaker-icon Shield Breaker, Lightning-icon Lightning
  • Special Resistance to Shields:Armor Buster-icon Armor Buster


Scar Scouts like to be on higher ground so that they can alpha strike their foes. If found on the battlefield, they must be the top priority, especially since they can head-shot a javelin (shielded or otherwise) and down them quickly.

Their Long-range Sniper Rifle has quite the range. So much so, that the developers had to nerf it down. Now it is still quite long, but also easy to evade because of the laser sight.

If a foe gets too close to the Scar Sniper, they can be struck with the unloaded sniper rifle for a small damage that can stagger them.

Doing damage to or defeating the Scar Scouts can make them drop ammo and repair packs. If health or ammo is low, collect these resupplies.


If a Scar Scout is encountered, the first thing to do is strip their kinetic shields away using a shield breaker or lightning based attack. Then they could be easily disposed off using a few of weak point hits or large blast damage.

Going closer to a Scout will make it use its melee strike and stagger their foes. They will follow up with a sniper shot. There is enough time between the laser sight and the aural cue given by a javelin to get to cover or evade.

Every Named Scar Scout

There are no named Scar Scout. But Legendary versions of Scar Scouts are very common in strongholds. The first one appears during the mission Enemy Mine.

Trivia (May Contain Spoilers)

  • Scar Scouts are referred to as Scar Snipers in the Art of Anthem.
  • Each Scar Scout is not an individual, but a swarm of scars (insects) that make its parts. They still look like insects.
  • Scars are known to copy what humans do. Hence, they wear skulls during the Season of Skulls just like humans wearing masks.
  • The number of pips in the health/armor bar do not represent the total value. This means, two types can have same number of pips, but the stronger type (legendary or elite) will have a significantly higher health than their weaker counterparts.
  • The ability names are taken from the Anthem Prima Guide and datamined files. They may have been slightly modified to avoid confusion with other in-game names.

