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Railgun is a Combat Gear or commonly, Gear, classified under the Heavy Assault Launcher category. From the gameplay standpoint, it is considered as Gear 2. Since Railgun is used during combat, it is considered a Combat Equipment. It it is possible to use gears to damage and defeat enemies and break destructible objects.

Note: All numeric values (except the power level) mentioned are only applicable to the default state of the gear. It may be possible to increase or decrease the net values using inscriptions, but they will not be shown.

Description and Alternative Items

For the alternative item, see Garred's Hammer

Railgun is a gear, which, After a brief charging period, fires an armor-piercing projectile. Detonates explosive combo.

Obtaining Methods

Railgun can be obtained in the following ways:

Cortex Entry

Cortex Entries are small pieces of lore attached with the particular gear found in Anthem and accessed through the Cortex. All gears have at least one entry associated with them. All Masterwork and Legendary gears' cortex entries directly add to the narrative of the world, but currently unattainable through any in-game means.

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Check Cortex Entry: Railgun for More Information

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The railgun launches armor-piercing projectiles at high velocity. Though it takes a moment to reach top speed, it strikes with astounding speed and force once fully charged up.

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For a Collection of similar Cortex Entries, See: Colossus Gear (Armory)

Blueprint and Crafting

Railgun is an item that can be crafted. It requires different amounts of resources depending upon its rarity. Complete the requirement in Blueprint Acquisition to unlock the Blueprint. Then craft the item in the Forge using the resources.

Unlocked blueprints can be found in the Craft tab located under the appropriate combat equipment slot (Gear/Gear/Component) of a javelin in the loadouts tab of the Forge.

The following table provides insights on blueprint and crafting requirements:

Uncommon flat
Railgun I Challenge Uncommon Railgun Blueprint Icon Uncommon Railgun Icon
Rare flat
Railgun II Challenge Rare Railgun Blueprint Icon Rare Railgun Icon
Epic flat
Railgun III Challenge Epic Railgun Blueprint Icon Epic Railgun Icon

Required Crafting Resources

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Check Cortex Entry: Railgun (Blueprint) for More Information

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Trivia (May Contain Spoilers)

  • Gears are the only combat items that share their base design with their upgraded design.