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There are other locations on Coda that are larger than the bounds of regions. While these ar emajor locations, they cannot be categorized easily due to the lack of holistic information on them. Such locations, including, nations, continents, and natural separators are mentioned here.

The Northern Continent

The Northern Continent is a continent in the northern hemisphere of Coda. It is separated by the Southern continent of Mirrus by the Sundric Sea. Very little is known about it other than the fact that it is mostly frozen and the further north one traverses, it becomes darker and darker. Currently, only Stralheim and the Urgoth Nation are known to exist here. In this continent, humans and Urgoth live in discord. Ice type Elemental Beings are found here in abundance.


Mirrus is the continent where Bastion is located. It is likely on the southern hemisphere of Coda, albeit not entirely confirmed. Mirrus is mostly inhabited by humans and Scars. Elemental Beings of fire type are abundant here. Between Mirrus and the unnamed Northern Continent, is the Sundric Sea. People of Bastion and Stralheim are found here.

Urgoth Nation

Urgoth Nation is the nation of Urgoth in the Northern Continent. It is in the northern-most parts of Coda. It borders Stralheim in the south. Along the border, there is constant conflict between the Urgoth and the Dominion.

Paladins Nation

Paladins Nation was the nation founded in the Northern Continent when the Paladins, led by Magna Stral were chasing the Urgoth away for good. It is unclear whether the nation was called Stralheim back then in the early Legion Victorious. But eventually, they became the totalitarian Dominion, under the influence of The Sistrum. While it was assumed that all Paladins were Lost in Darkness after being corrupted by the Anzu witches, many survived and kept a watch. This was only found out in the year 468 LV during the Season of Skulls Festival.

Sundric Sea

Sundric Sea is a large silvery sea located between Mirrus and the Northern Continent. It can be seen beyond Heliost. On the other side of the Sundric Sea is Stralheim. The sea is said to be extremely treacherous. It is thought that Harken's Facility, the Shaper ruin where the Monitor's Device was made is said to be somewhere in this sea.
