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Magna Stral was a member of the Legion of Dawn and later the founder of the Dominion.


It is said that Magna Stral came to the Legion of Dawn as a young girl. Her village had been raided and her family taken by urgoth. Having avoided capture by hiding in a basket, Stral followed secret Arcanist signs to Sanctuary, where General Helena Tarsis' rebel army lay in wait. Stral begged Tarsis to allow her to join the Legion, to grant her vengeance, but was rebuffed. Stral wasn't ready, the General said.

Unable to accept Tarsis' rejection, Stral began hunting the urgoth through use of traps, ambushes and poisoned spears and knives. She nearly died a dozen times but persevered through her driven for vengeance.

After weeks of bringing urgoth trophies to Sanctuary, Tarsis asked Stral why she wanted to join the Legion when she already had her revenge. At first she had no answer before responding that it was where she belonged. Tarsis then welcomed her to the Legion afterwards.

When General Tarsis fell in the Battle of Antium, Stral grieved for the loss of her friend and leader by striking out in vengeance once more. She hunted the retreating urgoth until she could find no more. When she returned to the Fortress of Dawn, she found the Legionnaires sealing the fortress.

It was then that the Legion fractured; Arden Vassa desired to uphold Tarsis' last wish to protect Antium; Stral believed his course of action was no less than desertion and called for the lancers of the Legion to journey with her north and hunt the urgoth. And so half the Legion followed Stral, becoming known as the Paladins. They ventured north and were never heard from again.[1]

