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Anthem Wiki
Anthem Wiki

The Loadout editor can be used to customize your weapons, parts, gear, and appearance. You can create custom loadouts from the Javelin menu, accessible from the Forge.

There are two main tabs: Loadout and Appearance.


  • Weapons: Javelins may have multiple slots to equip items. Some slots are unlocked immediately. Some have requirements (e.g. reaching a certain level). Select a slot to read the requirements.
  • Equip: Outfit your Javelin with an item, such as a weapon. This inventory is Javelin-specific.
    • Compare selected item with your currently equipped item.
    • Salvage an item.
    • Open the Cortex for more information.
  • Craft
  • Components
  • Support Gear


There are many ways to change the appearance of your Javelin.

Explore new materials, colors, and animations to start. Add finishing touches like level of wear, vinyls, and metal plating.

Use Coin or Shards to purchase new appearance items.

You can edit these parts of your appearance:

  • Torso
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Vinyls
  • Wear State: New, Old, Dirty, Standard, Clean
  • Animations: Victory Pose, Arrival Animation, Emotes x3
  • Paint: Painted, Metal, Rubber, Leather, Fabric