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Anthem Wiki
Anthem Wiki
Legendary Mission

Legendary Missions are upgraded versions of the story missions of Anthem which are modified to give the players a challenge[1]. They can be played in any difficulty level, but will have tougher enemies in all difficulties when compared to the original missions.

Currently, there are 9 Legendary Missions under rotation. Only 1 Legendary mission is available to play everyday, any number of time.

At the end of each mission, a Treasure Chest spawns providing rewards such as embers and loot, ans crystals during cataclysms.

List of Legendary Missions[]


Since the beginning, legendary missions were supposed to be added in batches. The first 6 Legendary Missions were introduced in patch 1.0.4[2]. The 3 Emerald Abyss Legendary Missions were added in Patch 1.2.0[3].

