Legendary Contracts are tougher contracts and can be completed only 1 time every day. At the end of these contracts, a Treasure Chest spawns providing loot.
Legendary Contracts[]
Currently, there are only 3 Legendary Contracts provided by agents Matthias, Brin and Yarrow.
They can be unlocked by completing the regular contract provided by the agent after completing critical path story missions.
These contracts have a much higher difficulty rating than regular contracts and grant the player a guaranteed Masterwork Component when playing on a difficulty of GM1 or higher.
List of Legendary Contracts[]
- Disaster Protocol contracted by Matthias
- Hazard Pay contracted by Yarrow
- Threat Assessment contracted by Brin
- Before patch 1.1.0, contracts and legendary contracts could only be accessed everyday from a bulletin board by the agent or in the Launch Bay.
- All legendary contracts count towards challenges which require the players to complete regular contracts.