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Anthem Wiki
Anthem Wiki
Cortex-geography collection

Landmarks are iconic natural formations or artificial constructions fo structures found across planet Coda. Natural formations, can sometimes be a result of effects of cataclysms. If created artificially, they are of Shaper, Anzu, Human, Urgoth, or Scar origins. Elementals, although sentient, aren't known for their ingenuity.

Bastion Landmarks[]

The following are the landmarks found in various regions of Bastion.

  1. Wedged Key
  2. Howel's Tower
  3. Scar Tower
  4. The Mining Platform
  5. The Faithful
  6. Radio Tower
  7. Sanctuary Ruins
  8. Sunken Gardens
  9. The Drill
  10. Honor Valley Dam
  11. East Valve
  12. Shadow Lock
  13. Astronomy Tower
  14. The Garrison
  15. Vassa's Way
  16. Scar Mast
  17. Scar Burrow
  18. The Hate Engine
  19. The Workshop
  20. Skystone Lock
  21. Wrecked Gazebo
  22. West Valve
  23. The Fortress of Dawn
  24. The Monument
  25. Stone Bridge
  26. The Antium Lock
  27. The Last Sentinel
  28. Convector Henge
  29. Ring Gate
  30. The Great Eddian