Great Falls Canyon is a subregion within the region of Northern Bastion, located in the nation of Bastion, on the planet Coda, as of the year 468 LV. Great Falls Canyon is located in the center of Northern Bastion. It shares a border with East Gate Subregion, Emerald Abyss Subregion, High Road Subregion, Monument Watch Subregion and Valley of Tarsis Subregion.
Great Falls Canyon is a subregion where most of the waters of Northern Bastion meet to form an extremely massive canyon. This subregion has mostly been wilderness and waterfalls, that is until a legend comes into play. The myth of two anzu creatures’ predator-prey relationship is said to have created the Eddian Grove, the most unique type of life form, probably in the entire planet Coda. An interesting facet is that there once used to be an Urgoth stronghold here, which doesn’t have any visibility. After Scars came to Bastion, there somehow converted a luscious part of this canyon to a more-or-less barren area with their broken structures.
Geography and Layout
What existed here before the cataclysm started taking over is unknown. It may never be possible ot determine the real truth behind this area. Great Falls Canyon is mostly a wild area with an abundance of plants and animals thriving here, due to the waters of Northern Bastion draining into the basin here. There are only a handful of modern human structures found here. There are surprisingly very few Legion Era buildings here. Some post-Legion ruins are found, but it is difficult to pinpoint them accurately. There are several Urgoth structures here—in fact, there are Urgoth statues carved on the Great Eddian. There are Scar buildings here, but restricted to one side of the canyon. There is no sign of anzu ruins here. There are some Shaper structures here, and they are active, but not volatile.
Flora, Creatures, and Enemy
Great Falls Canyon Subregion is a vast Subregion with multiple locations and changing environment. The vegetation and animal life varies depending on these environments. Enemies encountered also have a preference of trying to occupying specific locations. As such, it is easier to visit their individual pages to check these three lists out.
Great Falls Canyon Location List
Cortex entry below is either unlocked in Great Falls Canyon Subregion or collected during exploration in other locations.
For a Collection of similar Cortex Entries, See: Subregion (Loading Screen) |
Expedition List
Subregions have several expeditions that take place inside them. Please visit individual district, landmark or special location to see the various expeditions that take place in those specific location of Great Falls Canyon Subregion. See the location list mentioned above in the Geography section.
- This subregion or its surroundings will look different during various seasonal times, which includes the presence or absence of various cataclysmic storms.
- The Cortex Entries for all subregions, including this one, are found only on the loading screens of Anthem, randomly.
- Great Falls Canyon has the largest and the tallest living being, currently known in Northern Bastion.