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Flora Icon

Flora is a collective term for all plant life forms of Coda. There are several varieties of common and rare plants found all across the world. Flora could be dangerous or beneficial. The following types are from Bastion.

For the sake of simplicity, both hostile and non-hostile flora types are sub categorized as useful and occupant types. Useful flora types are used as food, resources, or ornaments. Occupant flora simply exist without any real use to humans.

Hostile Flora

Hostile flora are plant life that have the potential to harm living and non-living things around them or upon contact.

Useful Flora

The following hostile flora are useful:

Occupant Flora

The following hostile flora are occupant:

Docile Flora

Non-hostile or docile flora are the ones that do not cause any harm to any living and non-living things around them or upon contact.

Useful Flora

The following docile flora are useful:

Occupant Flora

The Following docile flora are occupant:

  1. Adenium
  2. Alocasia Blue
  3. Aquatic Flora
  4. Aquatic Grass
  5. Aquatic Moonpod
  6. Aquatic Moss
  7. Aquatic Spore Orange
  8. Aquatic Spore Purple
  9. Aquatic Spore Teal
  10. Aquatic Tendril Green
  11. Aquatic Tendril Purple
  12. Aquatic Vine
  13. Bamboo
  14. Bioluminescent Moss Orange
  15. Bioluminescent Moss Teal
  16. Bioluminescent Spore Blue
  17. Bioluminescent Spore Green
  18. Bioluminescent Spore Orange
  19. Bioluminescent Spore Teal
  20. Bioluminescent Spores
  21. Broadleaf Tree
  22. Burned Tree
  23. Cage Fungi
  24. Common Bush
  25. Common Reed
  26. Crabgrass
  27. Cycas
  28. Decaying Shrub
  29. Decaying Tree
  30. Enset
  31. Evergreen Shrub
  32. Fern
  33. Fungi Blue
  34. Fungi Orange
  35. Fungi Red
  36. Fungi Yellow
  37. Grass
  38. Green Latan Palm
  39. Hairy Crabgrass
  40. Ivy Vine
  41. Karrid Tree
  42. Kelp
  43. Lichen
  44. Lily Pad
  45. Minor Plants
  46. Moss
  47. Nest Fern
  48. Orange Bromeliad
  49. Other Flowering Plants
  50. Other Flowers
  51. Other Fungi
  52. Other Herbs
  53. Other Shrubs
  54. Other Trees
  55. Other Vines
  56. Palm Tree
  57. Pitcher Plant
  58. Red Ginger
  59. Red Latan Palm
  60. Rock Fungi Green
  61. Shaper Vine
  62. Slender Vine
  63. Spike Vine
  64. Stilt Root Tree
  65. Stonewort
  66. Sunset Flower
  67. Suspended Vine
  68. Tall Grass
  69. Tender Vine
  70. Thorn Plant
  71. Ti Plant
  72. Tree Fern
  73. Trefoil
  74. Umbrella Tree
  75. Water Trumpet
  76. Woody Vine
  77. Wool Crepe

Cortex Entry

The below Cortex Entry will change every day!

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Check Cortex Entry: Great Falls Canyon for More Information

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An intricate water system of streams and waterfalls that begins from underneath Fort Tarsis and flows down to the legendary Eddian Grove and onwards through Honor Valley. This area is home to all forms of wildlife, from grabbits and saurian to ursix and tesilars. Mantikars and skorpions are also prone to nesting behind waterfalls.

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For a Collection of similar Cortex Entries, See: Flora (Cortex Collection)

Trivia (May Contain Spoilers)

  • There are over 120 varieties of Flora in Anthem-logoAnthem. There are even more of them on Coda, but they aren't all revealed yet.
  • Anthem-logoAnthem has the most number of flora types found in any Bioware game, even more when accounted for the Seasonal changes.