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Anthem Wiki
Skorpions. They've infested the whole area.
Faye Navine
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Soldiers are a type of Skorpion that attack their enemies on sight.

Etymology and Anatomy

Soldiers gain their names Soldier (Someone involved chiefly in defense). Soldiers hatch from the eggs laid by a Swarm Tyrant. The plural of Soldier is Soldiers. When in groups, they are called a swarm.

Soldiers have a russet colored exo-skeleton and a gray abdomen.

Soldiers are hexa-pedal insectoid creatures. They have two mandibles and several sharp denticles in their mouth. It is unknown whether they have eyes. They don’t have tails, unlike other skorpions, but they have sizeable mandibles to bite their prey.

During Season of Skulls, Soldiers born will have a pale appearance and red glowing eyes. They behave like a normal Soldier but look eerie. They are referred to as mistborn skorpion or Mistborn Soldiers.

Narrative Involvement

Soldiers, like all skorpions, first came to bastion through the cataclysm that destroyed the ancient Arcanist city of Anshar.

They are found in cold and dark places. Like other skorpions, they hatch when they sense enemies nearby. Their acid is said to corrode the thickest of javelin armor.

When encountered in the wild, they are found among other skorpion types such as Worker and Digester, and nests of Skorpion eggs.

Encounter Locations

There several locations in Northern Bastion where Soldiers are found. These are the prominent ones:

Behavior and Abilities

Soldier 3

A Soldier Prepares to Attacks

oldiers have the following abilities:

  • Melee Bites: Soldiers encircle their enemies and bite them.

Hidden Attributes

Soldiers have the following hidden attributes:

  • Predatory Hatcher: Soldiers inside skorpion eggs only hatch when they sense food nearby. Their food includes humans.


Soldiers move around constantly. Doing damage to or defeating these creatures can make them drop ammo and repair packs. If health or ammo is low, collect these resupplies.


When a Soldier encircles its target, it is preparing for melee bite.

Targeting the head of the Soldier will do more damage to it, since that’s where the weak point is located.

Every Named Soldier

There are no named Soldiers. Legendary Soldiers are encountered in several locations in Freeplay through World Encounters as Target Icon Target Enemy that will drop a loot guaranteed.

Trivia (May Contain Spoilers)

  • Soldiers almost look like dark versions of un-sacced Workers.
  • The number of pips in the health/armor bar do not represent the total value. This means, two types can have same number of pips, but the stronger type (legendary or elite) will have a significantly higher health than their weaker counterparts.
  • The ability names are taken from the Anthem Prima Guide and datamined files. They may have been slightly modified to avoid confusion with other in-game names.

