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Fauna Logo

Fauna is the collective name for all creatures of Coda. They may be hostile, docile,or weaponized. Anzu, Chimera, Elemental Beings, and Shaper Corrupt Beings are not included here, since they are their own type of creatures. The following types are primarily found in Bastion and Stralheim.

Hostile Fauna

Hostile Fauna are those that can attack anyone or anything around them. They usually mean harm when dealing with their targets.

Docile Fauna

Docile fauna are non hostile fauna that usually do not attack anything unless threatened. They still have the possibility of doing damage to their targets.

Weaponized Fauna

Weaponized Fauna are hostile fauna that have been modified by humans for combat purposes. They are always hostile, but under the command of human factions.

Other Creatures

Other Creatures are category that may resemble fauna, but aren't necessarily animals. Visit their main pages mentioned below for details.
