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Anthem Wiki
Target Enemy Icon

Enemies are hostile encounters outside Fort Tarsis walls.

Anthem has several types of enemies and each enemy has a sub-class or rarity within the types. Most enemies can be categorized by their factions: Dominion, Scar, Outlaw. Creatures such as Elemental Beings, Fauna, and Chimera can become enemies under certain circumstances. Equipment such as enemy Turrets and Explosive Mines can be considered enemies, especially if they have a target marked on them.

This article's purpose is to distinguish between the types and rarities of enemies. As the enemy type and rarity improves, their health pool also increases. However, the higher the rarity of an enemy, the better the quality of loot it has a chance to drops.

Targeted Enemies[]

If an enemy needs to be defeated during any expedition to make progress during that expedition, it will be marked with Target Icon or Target Glow. The mission won't continue unless that enemy is defeated, unless they are Seasonal Expeditions or Secret Bosses in Echoes of Reality. In Freeplay, all target enemies have a chance to drop loot.

A targeted enemy can be any classification of enemy except for the Boss, who is always found at the end of a Stronghold or a Cataclysm.

Enemy Types[]

Enemies are Broadly categorized as follows:

Enemy Behavior and Ranks[]

Enemies have ranks, usually associated with their factions. They ones encountered out of the walls, will always be considered enemies and will attack The Freelancer on sight. Enemies can be seen fighting among themselves or against hostile creatures.

Enemies are again grouped, based on theier ranks within a Faction. This classification is not found within creatures, unless they are weaponized and already belong to a partcular faction. There are 5 known classes:

  • Equipment: These are enemy equipment that can do damage to any allies.
  • Troopers: These are the ost basic enemies. Usually they spawn in high numbers.
  • High-Ranks & Heavies: These are rare enemies that can spawn ocassionally. They also tend to have large health pools and can do more damage than the troopers.
  • Special: These are special enemies that have a much larger health pool than the high-ranks or heavies. They can also do significantly higher damage than other non-Boss type enemies. They are almost always. Usually, their spawn numbers are at most 3. Sometimes, they are also differently named.
  • Leaders: They may be bosses or special or high-rank or heavy enemies. They almost always have a Target Icon marked on them. Quite often, they are also differently named.

The following cases will always be considered enemies:

  • Dominion
    • Equipment: Turrets, Grounders, Shield Generators
    • Troopers: Shocktroopers, Argent Troopers, Frost Hounds, Thunderfangs, Ice Stalkers
    • High-Ranks & Heavies: Storm Brutes, Frost Brutes, Ash Valkyrie, Frost Valkyrie, Storm Valkyrie, Elementalist
    • Special: Fury
  • Outlaws
    • Equipment: Outlaw Turret
    • Troopers: Outlaws, Outlaw Gunners
    • High-Ranks & Heavies: Outlaw Shotgunner, Outlaw Elementalist, Outlaw Lancer
  • Scars
    • Equipment: Turrets, Mines
    • Troopers: Scrappers, Destroyers
    • High-Ranks & Heavies: Hunters,Enforcers
    • Special: Scar Tanks/Luminaries
  • Chimera
  • Hostile Fauna
  • Elemental Beings
  • Weaponized Creatures
  • Shaper Corrupt Beings
  • Enemy Equipment

Enemy List[]

Below is a list of all enemies. To see individual classification of enemies, visit the linked pages in the section above.

All Enemies in Anthem
  1. Ancient Ash Titan
  2. Anrisaur
  3. Ash Brute
  4. Ash Elemental
  5. Ash Skorpion
  6. Bristleback
  7. Brute
  8. Digester
  9. Dominion Argent Trooper
  10. Dominion Ash Valkyrie
  11. Dominion Elementalist
  12. Dominion Frost Brute
  13. Dominion Frost Hound
  14. Dominion Frost Valkyrie
  15. Dominion Fury
  16. Dominion Shocktrooper
  17. Dominion Storm Brute
  18. Dominion Storm Valkyrie
  19. Flak Turret
  20. Frost Elemental
  21. Frost Wolven
  22. Gauss Turret
  23. Grenade Turret
  24. Ice Stalker
  25. Lesser Ash Titan
  26. Luminary
  27. Machine Gun Turret
  28. Mantikar
  29. Missile Turret
  30. Mistborn Skorpion
  31. Mordant Elemental
  32. Outlaw (Enemy)
  33. Outlaw Elementalist
  34. Outlaw Gunner
  35. Outlaw Lancer
  36. Outlaw Rocket Trooper
  37. Outlaw Shotgunner
  38. Outlaw Turrets
  39. Phiranix
  40. Rocket Turret
  41. Rust Reaver
  42. Scar Destroyer
  43. Scar Enforcer
  44. Scar Hunter
  45. Scar Scout
  46. Scar Scrapper
  47. Scars
  48. Scelos
  49. Skorpedon
  50. Skorpion
  51. Soldier
  52. Storm Elemental
  53. Storm Wyvern
  54. Swarm Tyrant
  55. Talon
  56. The Monitor (Transcendent Form)
  57. The Unfathomed
  58. Thunder Fang
  59. Titan
  60. Ursix
  61. Vara (Cataclysm Form)
  62. Vesnid
  63. Wolven
  64. Worker
  65. Wyvern
  66. Xagular