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Did I mention I hate using the Egress?
The Freelancer
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The Egress is a hand-held device Doctor Harken invented for the Freelancer to enter the Echoes of Reality cataclysm. With it's activation, the Freelancer could go inside the cataclysm or be pulled out of it without causing harm.


The Egress can only be constructed using Bristleback quills and a Transponder from a Dominion Gate, as explained by Harken. However, other materials such as metals and circuit build materials could be used, but remain unshown. The Egress itself looks like a Seal with additional mechanisms like gears and wires attached to it.

Both Bristleback Quills and Dominion Transponder can be obtained during the Cataclysm Critical Mission called What Harken Wants. Once the materials are obtained and given to the doctor, he will construct it for the Freelancer


By using the Egress, the Freelancer was free from being consumed by the fake reality Vara Brom had created inside her Cataclysm.

The minimum time the Egress would allow the Freelancer to remain intact within the cataclysm was 15 minutes. However, by looking for time runes and destroying the events created by Vara, the time could be extended up to 43 minutes.

If Vara could not be defeated within the remaining time, Faye activates the Egress to pull the Freelancer out of the Cataclysm.

Harken had already built a crude version of it, which the Spear Battalion tried to use to reach Vara. Unfortunately, it wasn't stable to allow them through to the cataclysm.


The Egress is never shown used, but it is implied that it gets activated each time the Freelancer enters the Echo of Reality. Harken mentioned that it must be attached to the Dawn Shield, but the process of attaching is never shown, as the shield is not explicitly shown to attached to the Freelancer's Javelin, even though it is supposed to be since it was attached before the Return to the Heart of Rage.

The Egress is seen working only for a maximum of 43 minutes by which time, the Freelancer is pulle dback into the true reality by Faye. This means, the Egress cannot be activated from within the cataclysm.


  • The Egress can be seen only when Harken gives it to the Freelancer.
  • The Egress is essentially a cleaner and safer version of a Dominion Gate.