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Location Subregion Academy Ruins Subregion Header Image

Academy Ruins is a subregion within the region of Northern Bastion, located in the nation of Bastion, on the planet Coda, as of the year 468 LV. Academy Ruins is found directly north of Fort Tarsis. It has the south-western border of Northern Bastion and borders Fortress of Dawn Subregion and High Road Subregion.


The Academy Ruins were originally a lively place with the Arcanist Academy of Velathra. This place was more or less synonymous with Velathra, which was a city built by Arden Vassa for srcanist research work. Many arcanists lived here and studied, especially the astronomical phenomena of Coda. They were protected by the Garrison nearby, which housed Sentinels. Centuries ago, a Shaper relic went haywire and caused a cataclysm that destroyed Velathra, its nearby surroundings and ruined it, eventually earning the name “Academy Ruins.”

Geography and Layout

Most of the architecture found in the Academy Ruins are Post-Legion Era. The differences in the styles of the buildings reveal that. There are swamps, large human structures, monumental Shaper structures, abandoned human ruins, deep water lakes, cave formations, rocky hills, and of course, waterfalls here. There are no anzu ruins found here. Legion buildings found here are very few, but there are plenty of Post-Legion Era ruins. There are no anzu ruins or Urgoth structures found here. Plants grow plentifully. Many types of animals are seen living here.

Flora, Creatures, and Enemy

Academy Ruins Subregion is a vast Subregion with multiple locations and changing environment. The vegetation and animal life varies depending on these environments. Enemies encountered also have a preference of trying to occupying specific locations. As such, it is easier to visit their individual pages to check these three lists out.

Academy Ruins Location List

Geographic Distribution of Academy Ruins
Special Locations
  1. Exile's Arch
  2. First Refuge
  3. Moonpod Lagoon
  4. Observatory of Velathra
  5. Praedean Falls
  6. Sanadeen's Pass
  7. Tarsis Forest
  8. The Bullet Mires
  9. The Garrison at Velathra
  10. The Solarium Court
  1. Astronomy Tower
  2. Radio Tower
  3. Ring Gate
  4. The Garrison
  1. Academy Ruins Overlook
  2. Monument Valley
  3. The Hive
  4. The Hollow
  5. Tomb of Legionnaire Artinia
  6. Tomb of Legionnaire Yvenia
  7. Velathra


Cortex entry below is either unlocked in Academy Ruins Subregion or collected during exploration in other locations.

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Check Cortex Entry: Academy Ruins for More Information

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Directly north of Fort Tarsis are the ruins of the Arcanist academy of Velathra, featuring the astronomy tower and the famous "Shaper Rings." In the early 400's, Fort Tarsis' population began to grow, and construction began on an expansion, but building had to be abandoned due to the Scar incursion.

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For a Collection of similar Cortex Entries, See: Subregion (Loading Screen)

Expedition List

Subregions have several expeditions that take place inside them. Please visit individual district, landmark or special location to see the various expeditions that take place in those specific location of Academy Ruins Subregion. See the location list mentioned above in the Geography section.


  • This subregion or its surroundings will look different during various seasonal times, which includes the presence or absence of various cataclysmic storms.
  • The Cortex Entries for all subregions, including this one, are found only on the loading screens of Anthem-logoAnthem, randomly.
  • Academy Ruins is the only subregion of Northern Bastion where auroras can be seen. This is always found above the broken Shaper Spine on top of First Refuge.

